Wholesale System >
Inventory Control / Information System
The objective of this application software are :
- To provide comprehensive and flexible facilities to enable the user
to easily manage record and analyses stock level, related cost.
- To maintain complete details of stock status, including price and
cost, reorder information and cost of goods.
- To simplify and reduce duplicate clerical work with eventual labour
saving such as manipulate the quantity and cost in the stock ledger
- To provide more management information reports, like stock status,
yearly sales analysis, stock valuation, reorder advice, inactive stock,
System function |
1. Stock master file
2. Purchase order
3. Stock Receipt
4. Delivery Note
5. Stock Transfer
6. Stock Adjustment
7. Physical take
8. Reports
9. Month End Process
The stock master file plays an important
role of the whole system. It provides the details of stock information
such as category, brand, stock item number, bi-lingual stock description,
lot no., serial no., origin, stock unit, packing, invoice unit,
quantity of goods available to sell, current stock locations, stock
reserved, purchase ordered quantity, minimum stock level, outstanding
lot of goods, the latest cost, the average moving cost of goods,
photo and bar code, handling stock item's care with parts or accessories,
etc., During daily process, stock ordered, stock received, stock
dispatched, inter- locations stock transfer, stock adjustment or
periodic physical take, these transactions are automatically update
to the stock records, so as user can on-line obtain the current,
historical inventory transactions and future stock status.
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Every purchase must be a necessity for the
proper conduct of the business operation. So, this module supports
ordering and trading items from initial purchase requirements through
receipt of goods to warehouse. The purchase order form must be completed
with the header, transaction detail, footer before issuing and submitting
for approval. Purchase order status and outstanding purchase order
list will be provided for governing the shipment to meet the customer
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After the goods are received at the dockyard,
goods will be stored to warehouse. User should input these transactions
into the computer. Stock receipt of goods must be matched against
the purchase order, the costs and quantity of goods will be updated
accurately. The costing method of the items are using the FIFO method
and moving average cost.
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Input the information of the delivery note
into the computer so that the outstanding quantity of the stock
will be deducted from the stock master file and stock receipt file.
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Sometimes goods has to be transferred from
one location to another location and ready for the official delivery
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Stock adjustment has to be made when data
entries errors occur or wrong delivery of stock item, user has to
input the reason and quantity difference from the actual inventory.
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Produce a stock take worksheet by location.
Input the physical stock counts and the system will automatically
make an adjustment from the actual inventory.
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Reports have several options such as by category,
brand, stock item no., lot no., location, supplier no., customer
no., etc., Reports can be shown in a period, in the form of twelve
months, amount, cost value, quantity, percentage comparison or charts
Some of these reports are : Stock transaction lists Re-order advice
report Slow stock items moving report Monthly stock movement report
Total stock valuation report Yearly stock purchase analysis report
Yearly stock sales analysis report Sales turnover ranking analysis
report Price list with item photo Stock bar code printing User defined
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Once the month end process function is being
executed, stock in, stock out transactions are denied by the system
in that specific month and the previous months. Closing stock is
generated and posted to the closing stock handling file of the general
ledger system.
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Customer code. : 10 characters
Area code : 20 characters
Salesman code : 10 characters
Documents no. : 16 characters (Quotation, Contract, Delivery Note,
Sales invoice, Credit Note, Receipt etc.,)
Price : 99,999,999.99 (up to 4 decimal point)
Documents amount : 999,999,999.99 (up to 3 decimal point )
Heading, Remarks, Footer : Unlimited lines and characters.
Exchange rate : 99,999.9999 (up to 6 decimal point )
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